Find a Pandora Saddle near you to trial. Use the contact details provided on the map to arrange a Fit & Sit. Meet at a ride or arrange to catch up at a convenient place and time.
We call it our “Fit & Sit” program as the aim is to allow existing Pandora Saddle Owners to allow potential buyers to fit their saddle on their horse and sit in the saddle.
It is up to the discretion of the owner of the Pandora as to how the saddle will be trialed.
If the outcome of the “Fit & Sit” results in and order being placed and paid, our existing Pandora Saddle Owner who offered their saddle for use, will receive $50 credit to be used in our online store for either accessories or accumulated to be added as a credit towards a new Pandora Saddle.
The $50 Online Credits do not expire. Use it at any time and for anything (accessories or accumulate towards part payment of new saddle)
Existing Pandora Saddle Owners who wish to take part in this program need to send an email to We need to know your saddle size and which contact details we can use on the map.
Pandora Performance Saddles takes no responsibility if the saddle is damaged while in use in this program. Offer and acceptance is done at all participant’s own risk